Are You Looking for An Interior Designer & Interior Decorator in Ballygunge, Who Can Understand Your Requirements, Expectations, Budget and Delivers the Exactly Same What You Expect?

Grihakon is One of The Top 1% Interior Design Companies in Ballygunge & It Provides Every Interior Designing Solutions That Meets Your Requirements & Expectation. We’ve A Team of Professional Interior Designers & Decorators, Who’ll Take Your Project Start to End.

Our Team is Dedicated to Understand Your Requirements & Plan Accordingly to Create Your Space More Functional, Organized & Eye-Soothing.

WHY GRIHAKON SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST CHOICE for Interior Designers in Ballygunge?

Our Expertise

We’ve A Team of Professional & Experienced Interior Designers. They’ll Bring Their Expertise to You & They’ll Put Their Efforts to Meet Your Requirements & Deliver the Best for You. An Experienced Team of Interior Designers Can Bring a Day & Night Difference to Your Project in Terms of Planning, Design & Proper Execution.


If You Talk About the Price Point, Grihakon is One The Most Budget-Friendly Interior Design Company in Ballygunge. Budget Varies According to The Project & Requirements, But We Can Assure You That You’ll Get the Best Deal Here as Compare to The Market. To Get Estimates for Your Project, Get Quote Today.

Rich Portfolio

As Mentioned Above, We’ve an Experienced Team of Interior Designers & They’re Consistently Adding Value to Various Projects. We’re Maintain A Great Success Rate in Terms Delighting Each & Every Client & Because Of This, We’ve Rich Portfolio Filled with The Eye-Soothing & Catchy Projects Done By Our Experts.


Personalization is The Thing That Everyone Wants Everywhere & This Applies to Your Indoors as Well. You Want to Live or Work in a Space, Which is Designed, Planned & Organized According to Your Personal Preferences. With Grihakon, You Get Complete Customization Options & We’re Always Dedicated to Serve You with Personalization.

On-Time Delivery

We Know Good Things Requires Some Time to Happen, But Only If You’ve Not Planned & Projected Them Properly With Grihakon, You Get Everything Perfectly In Terms Of Planning, Projection & Execution While Also Fulfilling Your Expectations & Getting The Job Done Within The Projected Period is Cherry On Top.


Book A Free Consultation with Grihakon

The Step is Always Important. Book A Free Consultation with Our Team & Discuss Your Requirements, Expectations & Budget. Our Experts will Observe Everything & They’ll Serve the Best Under Your Budget.

Get Your Desired Interior Designs

Our Team of Professional & Experienced Interior Designers in Kolkata will Serve You with the Best Interior Designs as per Your Preferences. As We Mentioned It Can Be Personalized According to Your Needs & Preferences, This is What Makes Us Highly Rated Interior Design Company in Ballygunge in Terms of Client Satisfaction.

Move to Your Dream Interior Within the Projected Time

Now the Final Step is to Just Wait & Your Dream Interior, which is Now Functional, Organized & Eye-Soothing, Will be Delivered Within the Projected Time Given by Us.

Meet #1 Interior Designers in Ballygunge– Grihakon

After Getting Your Dream Interior, Now the Next Step is to Decorate it in a Proper Manner & There is No Need to Look Anywhere Else. Grihakon is A Specialized Interior Design Company in Ballygunge, Where You’ll Get All Kinds of Interior Solutions.

Our Team of Interior Decorators in Ballygunge will Create a Positive Atmosphere into Your Spaces by Using Their Vision, Skills & Experience.

FAQ's Related Interior Designers in Ballygunge
Why Should I Choose Grihakon?

Grihakon is One of The Top Interior Design Companies in Ballygunge as We’ve Always Focused on Delighting Clients with Extra-Ordinary Efforts & Designs. Here is What We’re Offering to You

Can I Schedule a Meeting with Experts?

Yes, We’ve A Team of Professional & Experienced Interior Designers. They’ll Bring Their Expertise to You & They’ll Put Their Efforts to Meet Your Requirements & Deliver the Best for You. An Experienced Team of Interior Designers Can Bring a Day & Night Difference to Your Project in Terms of Planning, Design & Proper Execution.

How Can I Get Estimates?

The price of interior design depends on the requirement of the client. However, if the condition of the houses is too bad ie, walls are damp or like that, then the price can increase. Some of the best interior design companies like Grihakon Interiors charge around INR 2200 per square feet in the workable space and provides free site visit, so it is always advisable to consult them before proceeding in detail.

How Much Time It Will Take to Finish My Project?

Its depend your Projects how much will take time after visit and check projects.

Can You Share Your Portfolio?

Yes, Oncourse we can if you want our portfolio related questions call us : +91-8910178919

I Have More Queries!

If you have more queries related to our Interior Designer, please Call Us +91-8910178919